Despite the failure of the first version of Google Glass, Google continued its project of smartglasses with a focus on business solutions under the new name Google Glass Enterprise. It was launched in early 2019. It is currently used in business sectors such as logistics and production. According to the company, enterprises that have deployed Glass with experiences built by their network of solution providers, have seen faster production times, improved quality, and reduced costs.
Since Glass Enterprise Edition 2 launched last May, Google has seen strong demand from developers and businesses who are interested in building new, helpful enterprise solutions for Glass. In order to make it easier for them to start working with Glass, they can now purchase devices directly from one of Google's hardware resellers, such as CDW, Mobile Advance or SHI.
Glass Enterprise Edition 2 is built on Android, so it’s easy for developers to work with, and for businesses to integrate the services and APIs (application programming interfaces) they already use. The company has also shared new open source applications and code samples, including sample layouts and UI components that may be helpful examples for those just getting started developing for Glass.