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Industry News

16 Jun 2017

Specsavers To Pilot Image Recognition Software of IBM Watson

Specsavers WelcomeSpecsavers is about to start pilots at three stores in UK using IBM's Watson for pattern management data, in a step to predicting possible developments in the eye health of its customers. The pilots will use image recognition software from Merge Healthcare that IBM bought in 2015 for about 1.5 billion AUD. Merge Healthcare is now part of IBM's Watson Health unit.

"If you had an eye test 30 years ago and stayed with us every two years we have your physiology – we can tell your eyes are doing this, we have 15 sets of data," Specsavers' CIO Pavitt said.

"We are now exploring with IBM, and others, pattern management of health, as you saw some of the deals with DeepMind and NHS. We are in that game. What we are seeing is machine learning and pattern management and we are seeing some very, very comprehensive, interesting sets of data coming out."

According to the company, all patient data will remain within Specsavers' secure network.

Specsavers has also opted for a move to an Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure combo next year. The current environment is running on Oracle's cloud and according to company insiders it has been judged too risky and too expensive.

Specsavers have retail outlets in 10 countries and its existing IT set-up was the result of years of mergers and expansions, running regionally or in stores. Currently, the company attempts to make IT delivery simpler and cheaper, and to enable the company quickly develop and launch new digital services founded on data.

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