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Industry News

08 Mar 2023

Vision Eye Institute's National Webinar Series Returns

VEIVision Eye Institute (VEI) has announced the return of its highly popular SHARED VISION national webinar series. The theme for this year's event is developing more efficient communication, time management, and diagnosis, based on feedback from our attendees.

The series will feature a roster of exceptional speakers, including Dr. Christolyn Raj, Dr. Rushmia Karim, and Dr. Alex Ioannidis, who are all highly experienced ophthalmologists. Each presentation will provide valuable insights and clinical pearls relevant to day-to-day optometric practice.

The first webinar will focus on managing cataracts in patients with co-existing conditions, such as macular disease and corneal scarring, as well as providing insight into neuro cases. Dr. Lewis Levitz will moderate a Q&A session with our audience, giving attendees the opportunity to ask questions and get expert answers.

The presentations for the first webinar are as follows:

  • The ABCs of managing cataract with macular disease, presented by Dr. Christolyn Raj
  • Looking through the lens of a neuro-ophthalmologist, presented by Dr. Rushmia Karim
  • Big scars, small scars: Irregular ocular surface in the cataract patient, presented by Dr. Alex Ioannidis

VEI will also display the Women in Ophthalmology (WIO) group's tick for this event, meeting the group's target for 35% female representation. This aligns with VEI's commitment to increasing gender equality within the field of ophthalmology and medicine more generally.

The series has been quality assured by Optometry Australia, and optometrists who attend the event will receive 1.5 CPD hours. Please note that the program is subject to change.

Registration is at: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_9O-CYhRCR2KKP52-t_xhVQ

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