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Industry News

16 Aug 2023

World Council of Optometry Sets New Goal for Myopia Management Standard of Care Pledge Challenge

WCO PledgeThe World Council of Optometry (WCO) has achieved a significant milestone in its Myopia Management Standard of Care Pledge challenge and is now aiming for even greater impact. Since the inception of the pledge challenge last year, a remarkable 130 global eye care organizations and 50,375 individuals have committed to adopting myopia management as the prevailing standard of care. In collaboration with the leading name in myopia management, CooperVision, the organization has now unveiled an ambitious objective of securing 100,000 pledges.

Speaking about the resounding success of the pledge challenge, Dr. Sandra Block, President-elect of WCO, expressed her enthusiasm, stating, “The global response from optometrists, eye health researchers, contact lens marketers, and optometry students towards embracing myopia management as the universal standard of care has been truly remarkable. The scope of individual and organizational pledges spans across 86 countries, encompassing every corner of the globe. By taking this pledge, these organizations and practitioners are sending a powerful message – they acknowledge the gravity of myopia as a public health concern and are taking proactive steps to effectively address this issue. We are thrilled to witness the overwhelming response to the challenge and strongly urge those who have not yet participated to seize the opportunity and take the pledge today.”

The initiative for the Myopia Management Standard of Care resolution was launched by the World Council of Optometry in April 2021. This resolution outlines a research-backed standard of care that comprises three core elements:

  1. Mitigation: Optometrists play a vital role by educating and counseling parents and children during early and regular eye examinations about lifestyle, dietary habits, and other factors that can help prevent or delay the onset of myopia.
  2. Measurement: Optometrists continuously assess a patient's condition through comprehensive vision and eye health examinations, incorporating measurements of refractive error and axial length whenever feasible.
  3. Management: Optometrists address the immediate needs of patients by correcting myopia while simultaneously delivering evidence-based interventions (such as contact lenses, spectacles, pharmaceuticals) designed to slow down the progression of myopia. This approach not only improves the quality of life and eye health in the present but also safeguards against future complications.

For comprehensive resources related to myopia management, including the standard of care resolution, pledge registration, multimedia content, and practical tools for optometrists, visit https://myopia.worldcouncilofoptometry.info/

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