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Alcon Laboratories (Aust) P/L

address Allambie Grove Park
East Frenchs Forest NSW 2086
email [email protected]
website www.alcon.com.au
phone 02 9452 9200
fax 02 9452 5596
brands OPTI-FREE RepleniSH, SYSTANE, Bion Tears, CILOXAN Eye Drops, Naphcon-A, PATANOL, TRAVATAN, DUOTRAV, BSS Plus, ACRYSOF Intraocular Lens (IQ, Toric, Restor), INFINITI Cataract Removal System, ACCURUS Vitreoretinal Surgical System, DuoVisc, DisCoVisc
freecall 1800 025 004
freefax 25 Frenchs Forest Road
3d eyewear viewer & configurator
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